Gather Here. Go Far

With locations in Tahlequah, Muskogee and Broken Arrow, NSU is Oklahoma’s immersive learning institution. Choose from in-person, blended or online learning options.


NSU is committed to assisting students in applying and earning scholarships. Whether you are an incoming freshman or a continuing/returning student, NSU has a wide variety of scholarship options for students to choose from.

Clubs and Organizations

From networking to leadership opportunities, NSU’s over 80 clubs and organizations allow our students to build lasting relationships while getting the full college experience.

Transfer Students

Whether you’re an incoming or current transfer student, NSU’s transfer advisors are available to assist you with transcript evaluation, information on degree programs and support services. NSU is where You Belong.

Graduate College

Whether transitioning to graduate school or returning to higher education, NSU’s graduate college is your next step. Choose from over 25 master's degrees and several certificate programs.

Accelerated Degree Programs


Thinking about continuing your academic career after earning your bachelor's degree?  Request information about Accelerated Degree Programs!

NSU is an educational partner serving Northeastern, Southeastern, Northwestern, Southwestern, Central, and Eastern Oklahoma. Scholarships are available for students from Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, and Kansas.


By completing an Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Programs (ADP) from Northeastern State University, you'll gain that competitive edge in the job market and earn it much sooner.

There's no need to wait for commencement to start your graduate school journey. Our Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Programs (ADP) feature strategically designed curricula that enable exceptional, qualified undergraduate students complete up to 12 graduate (5000 level) credit hours towards the completion of both the bachelor's and master's degree requirements. Earn 24 credit hours for the cost of 12!

Once accepted, you can:

  • Earn up to 12-credit hours toward a master's degree before completing your bachelor s.
  • Complete a master's degree sooner than if you were to start graduate school after earning the bachelor's saving time and money ($3,500 on average!).
  • Apply undergraduate scholarships and need-based aid toward graduate coursework while you are completing your bachelor's degree.

To apply:

  1. Review the Accelerated Degree Program Application Checklist (PDF).
  2. Complete the degree plan with signatures of the student, department chair, and graduate faculty advisor. Your degree plan will be uploaded into your self-service portal once you have completed the application.
  3. Complete the Graduate College Application.  For additional assistance, download the How To Apply as an ADP Student (PDF).

Accelerated Degree Plans Save You Time and Money!

Full eligibility and conditions are noted below, but you must:

  • Have 72 hours when you apply
  • Have Minimum 12 hours in your major
  • Meet GPA requirements

image adverstising that students save $3,500 on average at nsu

those with masters degrees from northeastern state university have higher starting salaries
nsu has financial aid options for graduate programs when a student has undergraduate awarded aid
at nsu you can earn up to 12 hours toward yoru masters while completing your bachelors degree
with an accelerated program from nsu you begin earning a salary faster
nsu students make connections with faculty and staff that last forever

Program Options


B.B.A. Accounting to M.S. Accounting and Financial Analysis

B.B.A. Business Administration: Business Analytics to M.B.A. Business Administration: Business Analytics

B.B.A. Health Organizations Admin: Health Informatics to M.B.A. Business Admin: Health Informatics 

B.B.A. Health Organizations Admin: Healthcare Admin to M.B.A. Business Admin: Healthcare Admin

B.B.A. Management: Human Resource Management to M.B.A. Business Admin: General Management

B.B.A. Management: Project Management to M.B.A. Business Admin: Project Management

B.B.A. Marketing: Digital Marketing to M.B.A. Business Admin: Digital Marketing


B.S.Ed. Early Childhood Education to M.Ed. Early Childhood Education

B.S.Ed. Health and Physical Education to M.S. Health and Sport Science: Health Education

B.S. Health and Human Performance: Fitness Management to M.S. Health and Sport Science: Sport Administration/Management

B.S.Ed. Special Education Mild/Moderate to M.Ed. Special Education-Autism Spectrum Disorders


B.S. Chemistry: Biochemistry to M.S. Natural Science

B.S. Chemistry: Professional to M.S. Natural Science

B.S. Environmental, Health and Safety Management to M.B.A. Business Administration: EHSM

B.S. Nutritional Sciences: Allied Health to M.P.H. Public Health

B.S. Nutritional Sciences: Dietetics to M.P.H. Public Health

B.S.S.L.P. Speech-Language Pathology to M.S. Speech-Language Pathology


B.A. Geography and Sustainability Studies to M.S. Applied Geographic Information Systems

B.S. Criminal Justice to M.S. Criminal Justice

B.A. Media Studies: Public Relations/Advertising to M.A. Public Relations

ADP Eligibility

  1. Completed a minimum of seventy-two (72) undergraduate credit hours with a minimum of twelve (12) hours completed in a major field of study, including credits earned from advanced placement and prior learning assessment.
  2. Transfer students must have completed a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours at Northeastern State University.
  3. A minimum 3.0 cumulative undergraduate GPA, and a minimum 3.25 major GPA.
  4. Completed the Graduate Admission application. Students will be admitted provisionally. Upon successful completion of the undergraduate degree, students will be eligible for full admission to the graduate college.
  5. Unless otherwise specified by the graduate program, successfully complete the required entrance exam within the first twelve (12) graduate credit hours, including hours taken as an undergraduate student.
  6. Additional program eligibility. If there are none, the standard requirements for graduate admission will be followed.


  1. In all graduate level coursework, students will be engaged, assessed, and graded as a graduate student. However, students will remain classified as an undergraduate student.
  2. Once admitted to the accelerated degree program, students retain eligibility for undergraduate scholarships and financial aid. The aid may be applied toward graduate level coursework credited toward completion of the undergraduate degree.
  3. For tuition purposes, ADP students will be assessed the undergraduate tuition rate for undergraduate courses, and the graduate tuition rate for graduate courses.
  4. Prior to completing the bachelor degree, the GPA will be monitored by the undergraduate college. A minimum grade of C is required on all 5000 level courses counting toward the undergraduate degree. If either the overall undergraduate GPA or overall graduate GPA falls below 3.0, the student will be removed from the accelerated degree program. Readmission to the accelerated degree program will not be permitted.
  5. Once all undergraduate degree requirements and the degree is posted on the transcript, students in the accelerated degree program will be eligible for full graduate status and graduate funding (graduate assistantships, scholarships, graduate financial aid).
  6. Once fully admitted to the Graduate College, the GPA will be monitored by the Graduate College. If the overall graduate GPA falls below a 3.0, students will be placed on academic probation.
  7. A student who does not follow the approved degree plan may become ineligible to participate in the accelerated degree program.
  8. A student may withdraw from an approved accelerated degree program. Contact the Graduate College for specific requirements. Graduate credit hours completed prior to a student becoming ineligible to continue in the ADP, or withdrawing from the ADP, apply toward the baccalaureate degree only.